Emergency food
"Ophelia" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Ophelia" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 19:47:04 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>> > On Wed, 11 Nov 2015 13:37:22 -0500, jmcquown >
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >> >
>>>>> >> Actually she didn't have to clean it, we had a maid. It was
>>>>> >> apparently
>>>>> >> just the thought of a pee trough that bothered her.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> > I wouldn't want that in my bathroom either. It's as repugnant as a
>>>>> > bidet or a toilet with the seat left up. If there were his and hers
>>>>> > bathrooms and a maid to clean them, I'd say go for it because I'd
>>>>> > never need to step foot inside the one with a urinal. Otherwise, it
>>>>> > won't happen in any bathroom I use.
>>>>> A bidet??? I can see you need educated! One doesn't pee in a bidet!
>>>>> It
>>>>> is
>>>>> the place you wash yourself *after* you have peed!
>>>>> What? No bidet? So, tell me, how do you clean yourself afterwards?
>>>>> Don't
>>>>> tell me you don't wash???
>>>>> No I am not having a go at anyone for not having one, but I will not
>>>>> be
>>>>> sneered at for having one and having it likened to a toilet!!
>>>> Apparently bidet owners have never heard of toilet paper.
>>> Oh I use toilet paper BEFORE I use the bidet. I don't consider just
>>> wiping
>>> myself with paper is clean enough.
>>> I prefer to wash and be properly clean!
>> You are that messy afterwards? *Probably does not really want to know
>> the answer*
> No I damned well am not messy. I do not consider wiping faeces from my
> anus with toilet paper leaves it clean. You tell me how you do it! As I
> asked sf before being attacked, if you got it on your hands, would you
> wipe it off with paper?? No, you would damned well wash them, or I hope
> you would, but if you don't, it is no skin off my nose. I don't care!!!
> Now, I didn't attack anyone, or say anyone must have a bidet, I simply
> made a comment when Moe was questioned about having a bidet that I had one
> too. Of course sf took that as a personal slight and did her usual stunts.
> Was it jealousy or her Superiority Complex cutting in again? I don't give
> a damn but I am sick of it!!!
> Why are you so concerned anyway about whether I have a bidet? Are you
> jealous too or do you just feel like joining in the bitching at me with
> sf?
> I don't give a damn who has one or not, but I refuse to be put on trial so
> you and everyone else who feels like bitching about it can sod off.
I don't care if you have one or not! But you are making it sound like those
of us who don't have one, and that would be most all of us in the US, are