On 11/13/2015 6:14 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> From another group:
> "> After their 25mph-capped car was stopped going "too slow": doing 24mph
>> in a 35mph limit.
>> <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...ice-pull-over-
>> Googles-driverless-car-for-driving-too-slowly.html>
> That raises interesting questions (or would do if it happened here).
> Is a driverless car obliged to stop if asked to do so by a police
> officer in uniform; and, who can be prosecuted if it doesn't?"
I'm sure the car will have to ultimately have to have a
passenger who is able to stop it and pull over in such an
event. I am pretty sure the car driving around by itself won't
be allowed.