Emergency food
On 11/13/2015 7:10 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> I could see a toilet with a built in bidet. But no way am I going to
>> hobble from one seat over to another with my pants down, only to get
>> a wet behind.
> Grin, what an image!
> Still, I suspect part of the difference is bathroom size as in
> footprint to add that extra unit. In my case, there is no room to do
> it. Seriously, none. I'd have to take out the sink!
> Carol
About 25 years ago the makers of plumbing fixtures tried to introduce
them here with little success. Most homes I've visited in Europe have
them but I've never seen one in the US or Canada.
They made more sense years ago when toilet paper and sanitary napkins
were not so readily available. Bathing/showering was less frequent also.