Thread: Emergency food
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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Emergency food

On 11/13/2015 7:37 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

> My MIL had a shower bench that folded up and down. It was a horrible
> thing. Had a tendency to tilt you slightly forward when sitting on it
> and it had a very slippery surface so if you dared to use it, you could
> fall off.
> The place where my dad lived had these things that were used in the
> shower. They were essentially like toilet seats with legs and wheels.
> Some hospitals use them too.

There are very sturdy portable shower seats available from many sources.
My wife uses one.

Two years ago we took out the tub and now have a 60" wide shower with
plenty of room to move around and only a 1 1/2" lip to step over. In
addition to the rainhead there is a handheld shower. Two grab bars, of

The downstairs bath was enlarged from the 34" fiberglass stall to 48",
all ceramic tile. Well worth the time and money to have nice bathrooms.