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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Mr D (Google to pay driverless car fines)

Nancy Young wrote:
> Of course, we just keep one car, so if that one starts having any
> issues, it's a pain in the neck.

The last van I owned was like that. It was a 1972 Dodge van with over
200K on the odometer. I babied it for 20 years and it ran fine until
the last 5 years. After that, I dreaded even driving it but it was my
work van so I had to. Each morning I would get in and say a prayer,
"Please God, let this start and get me to work." Then when it was time
to go home...."Please God, let this start and get me home."

I still have nightmares about those times. I sold it 7 years ago and
have a company van since then. No worries with this one. If it breaks,
it's the companies problem. heheheh It's been VERY reliable though
and rarely breaks down. I have full personal use for it too so I
don't need to buy my own vehicle. I don't take advantage of that perk
though. I use it very minimal for personal use.