Thread: Emergency food
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Emergency food

"Cheryl" > wrote in message
> On 11/13/2015 7:41 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> The main bathroom in my parent's house was so small that when my dad
>> began having difficulties and we had to install rails for the toilet, we
>> had a hard time putting them in. When you sat on the toilet, you had
>> the sink immediately to your right and the tub to your left. If you
>> were sitting on the toilet and someone tried to open the door, you'd get
>> whacked in the knees. They finally had to get a pocket door installed.
>> I had one bathroom that was smaller than that still. While sitting on
>> the toilet, your knees were under the sink. I did actually have one
>> person get stuck on the toilet. You needed to be fairly agile to get on
>> and off of it because you had to angle your body just right. No way
>> would a bidet fit in those bathrooms.

> I really think the two accounts of bathroom sizes you've given are not the
> norm. Hell, most bathrooms have enough room for a litterbox if you need
> to put one in there.

Maybe not where you are but where I am, houses built in the 50's and 60's
had really small bathrooms. The apartment was older than that and it was in
every way an exception as it was over a business. Our house in Wichita had
what everyone referred to as a postage stamp bathroom. Meaning that it was
very small. And then we moved here. And couldn't believe that the bathroom
was smaller.

I have only had three bathrooms where I could put a litter box. This house,
a half bath in military housing and an apartment bathroom. In the other two
military houses, there was no room whatever for it in the bathroom. I had
to put it downstairs in one case. Thankfully Maui was younger then but I
still felt bad for making her go down there. Had to put it in the bedroom
in the other place.

My bathroom here is large enough for the litter box but my husband's
bathroom which is the original one, is not.