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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Mr D (Google to pay driverless car fines)

On 2015-11-14 12:11 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:

>> The safe (or not) factor with any car is the driver. Main rule to
>> surviving is to always assume that the other drivers will break the
>> rules.

> Except for when you have no control over what happens. People are
> killed and injured when stopped at traffic lights or at a toll booth.
> Your only hop is the structure of your car.
> Some years ago I was the third owner of a car that was involved in seven
> accidents in its life. In every case, the car was stopped. Three times
> it was not occupied.

When I first met my wife she had a red Karmen Ghia that was jinxed.
Someone backed into it the first day she had it, and it was backed into
another time. She and I both had fenderbenders in that car. We sold it
to a guy that I knew from high school and in less than a month it was
totalled when a cement truck ran into it.