Thread: Emergency food
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Emergency food

"gtr" > wrote in message news:2015111514144940080-xxx@yyyzzz...
> On 2015-11-14 11:37:22 +0000, Cindy Hamilton said:
>> On Friday, November 13, 2015 at 7:19:51 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
>>> We had the swing out arm type in Japan. Nothing perks you up faster
>>> than a shot of cold water on your bitties at 4am! That or you can
>>> stand up, turn around and turn the nossle down and wait 3-4 minutes for
>>> it to get warm then turn it off, turn the head back up, and sit down.
>>> It was ok in summer though.

>> I suppose if we had a bidet, I'd turn on the water at the sink when I
>> entered the bathroom, let it run while I was doing my thing, and
>> then it might be warm enough. I'd probably have to resort to the
>> tank-top copy of the Farmer's Almanac while I was waiting for the water
>> to arrive from the basement hot water tank to the 1st floor bathroom.

> Coming in late (probably a good thing) on this discussion. We've spent a
> lot of time in Japan over the past 12 years, and six weeks there last
> year. Most of that time using these Toho Washlets:
> Last November when we returned we replaced both the toilets with Toho's
> with a Washlett B100 on them. (The article shows the S350e, not
> dramatically different.) These units store heated water inside them. So
> regardless of the distance to the water heater or season or whatever, the
> water used in the spray is warmed.

Very snazy) My bidet is quite old now but I have a mixer tap and no
problem getting hot water. Oh but I don't get a heated seat <g>

