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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ping Cheryl Wise Emergency Food

On 2015-11-16 6:00 PM, jmcquown wrote:

> Got another reply:
> "I am not sure why it hasnt arrived. It was shipped out on
> 10/14/2015. I have put in a request to send you another one. Please
> let me know when it arrives. It should be there within a week."
> Well, only a month and a week and two requests. Great customer service!
> (that was sarcasm, BTW).
> Good to know they have a shipping plan in place when disaster strikes.
> Used to be called the Pony Express. LOL

LOL that reminds me of a complaint to the Vachon company about a
chocolate cream horn that I made the mistake of buying many years ago.
After biting into it I noticed a sort of fuzz on the chocolate icing and
the green in the cream filling. I wrote a letter of complaint to the
company. A month or two later I opened up my mail box and found a
scrunched up parcel that contained a package of scrunched up stale
butter tarts. It was a nice gesture on their part. It almost made up
for the product I had purchased but which would likely have led to
serious medical issues if I had eaten. The scrunched up stale tarts were
just a serious disappointment.