Thread: Emergency food
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Default Emergency food

On 11/17/2015 3:47 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Monday, November 16, 2015 at 8:51:53 AM UTC-10, Cheri wrote:
>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 12:14:53 PM UTC-10, gtr wrote:
>>>> On 2015-11-14 11:37:22 +0000, Cindy Hamilton said:
>>>>> On Friday, November 13, 2015 at 7:19:51 PM UTC-5, cshenk wrote:
>>>>>> We had the swing out arm type in Japan. Nothing perks you up faster
>>>>>> than a shot of cold water on your bitties at 4am! That or you can
>>>>>> stand up, turn around and turn the nossle down and wait 3-4 minutes
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> it to get warm then turn it off, turn the head back up, and sit down.
>>>>>> It was ok in summer though.
>>>>> I
>>> suppose if we had a bidet, I'd turn on the water at the sink when I
>>>>> entered the bathroom, let it run while I was doing my thing, and
>>>>> then it might be warm enough. I'd probably have to resort to the
>>>>> tank-top copy of the Farmer's Almanac while I was waiting for the water
>>>>> to arrive from the basement hot water tank to the 1st floor bathroom.
>>>> Coming in late (probably a good thing) on this discussion. We've spent
>>>> a lot of time in Japan over the past 12 years, and six weeks there last
>>>> year. Most of that time using these Toho Washlets:
>>>> Last November when we returned we replaced both the toilets with Toho's
>>>> with a Washlett B100 on them. (The article shows the S350e, not
>>>> dramatically different.) These units store heated water inside them.
>>>> So regardless of the distance to the water heater or season or
>>>> whatever, the water used in the spray is warmed.
>>> Toto makes toilets. Toho makes Godzilla movies.

>> I love Godzilla movies, also Rodan, Mothra, etc.
>> Cheri

> Toilets and Godzilla - thanks Japan! Hopefully, you have seen the Japan version of the original '54 Godzilla. The Americanized version is just plain goofy.
> "During Godzilla's rampage through downtown Tokyo, one of the buildings he destroys is the Toho Theater. In fact, some fans who were watching the film in that theater actually thought the theater was being attacked and tried to run out of the theater."

I have, on at least three prior occasions, written posts that delve into
the “alleged” lurid past of one of our former presidents, George Herbert
Walker Bush (GHWB), the current but ailing patriarch of the Bush Family
Dynasty – I refer to them as the Bush Family Crime Syndicate, certainly
not in terms of endearment – but rather more like the Mafia Godfather
who prepares his sons to take over the family business upon his death.
This particular post references an article by Stew Webb, a contributor
of Veterans Today.

In his life-time, George H. W. Bush (GHWB) has controlled every
clandestine (hidden from view) and secret organization/operation within
the arsenal of the United States government as either 1) Director of the
CIA, 2) Vice President to Ronald Reagan (who was an unwitting puppet to
the Bush controlled cabal – GHWB secretly gave Reagan poisons that
hastened his fall into Alzheimer’s Disease and evidence suggests he
helped plan Reagan’ attempted assassination by John Hinckley, whose
family were close friends of the Bush family – a coincidence?) and 3)
ultimately as President of the United States before Bill Clinton took