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Xeno Xeno is offline
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Default Mr D. Driverless cars ... more questions

On 24/11/2015 3:56 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 12:03:30 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 11:28:31 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 10:38:10 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> On Sunday, November 22, 2015 at 3:46:49 AM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>>>>> ">>> That raises interesting questions (or would do if it happened
>>>>>>>> here).
>>>>>>>>>>> Is a driverless car obliged to stop if asked to do so by a
>>>>>>>>>>> police
>>>>>>>>>>> officer in uniform;
>>>>>>>>>> Clearly yes.
>>>>>>>>> And presumably also to take the exit from a junction or proceed
>>>>>>>>> past
>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>> red traffic light as directed by the police officer in uniform.
>>>>>>>> Lots of extra questions arise. Once they are fully autonomous,
>>>>>>>> presumably they'll still have some sort of "panic" button.
>>>>>>>> If the car fails to stop on the policeman's request, will it be an
>>>>>>>> offence for the occupant not to press the panic button - and are
>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> then formally in charge of the car? What if they don't have a
>>>>>>>> driving
>>>>>>>> licence, or are drunk - could they then be nicked for either of
>>>>>>>> those?"
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> In the future, we won't need cops directing traffic. The cars will
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> communication with each other and coordinate their movements. On the
>>>>>>> motorway, the cars will travel quite close to each other in lines,
>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>> bikers, to conserve energy. It's going to be a beautiful thing. My
>>>>>>> guess
>>>>>>> it's going to make Honolulu's fixed rail system, which we're finally
>>>>>>> getting around to building, obsolete.
>>>>>>> One won't need a driver's licence to ride in a self-driving car.
>>>>>>> Being
>>>>>>> drunk won't matter either. Drunk driving won't be possible.
>>>>>>> Obviously,
>>>>>>> these cars will bring about an increase in alcoholism.
>>>>>> Got it all worked out eh)) I won't pass on any more then..
>>>>> Just treat one of these cars like you would a police car - stay far
>>>>> away
>>>>> from them!
>>>> Believe me, I will never trust one of those cars.
>>>> --
>>> These cars would have to be pretty horrible to match the driving record of
>>> humans. Those units will kill nearly a hundred folks a day in the US.
>>> OTOH, if Apple builds a car, people will buy. After all, it's "the
>>> ultimate mobile device." Hee hee.

>> Please take my allocation with my best wishes)
>> --

> Believe it or not, there may come a time when you won't be able to drive yourself around. Most people will have their neighbor or kids or friends drive them around and some people will be trapped in their own home. It's not a good situation.

That's exactly why my retirement location has all the acoutrements that
I might possibly need in my future. These include, but are not limited
to, access to retirement facilities (villages, nursing homes, etc.),
medical facilities, public transport, entertainment, clubs... the list
goes on and the location I chose has it all. A small city of 70,000
people spread over a rural/coastal enclave. Even has a domestic airport
which I have used to get to Sydney and Melbourne. All the conveniences
without the hassles.

