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Glenn Jacobs
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Default Creamed not-spinach

On 22 Nov 2003 22:29:18 GMT, PENMART01 wrote:

> "BrainfoodBob-Not" writes:
>>I like creamed spinach, but I'd like to try something a little different.
>>Has anybody tried making creamed collard greens? How about kale, chard, or
>>mustard greens? Any suggestions along those lines? I add a bit of nutmeg to
>>cremed spinach; do you think that would work if other greens were used?

> Why not? Dincha ever learn to search the net?
> 1 lb of chopped cabbage
> 2 tlb butter
> 4 tlb flour
> 400 ml milk
> 1/2 tsp nutmeg
> salt
> Boil the cabbage until tender, approx. 30 minutes. Make a roux from the butter,
> flour, and milk. Simmer 5-10 minutes. Drain the cabbage and add to the sauce.
> Season with salt and nutmeg.
> ---

Except I would boil down heavy cream, with nutmeg rather than going the
roux route.
