" john malins" wrote in message >
> >
> > Yes Dora , that was the one I remember ,I had forgotten about the spice
> will buy some cheaper bread when I go shopping today and have a go at
> it. which will add to my waistline! I bit of social history/family history
> we used x4 large loaves of bread a day and as far as can remember there
> up to x10 children in our family ,I say up, to because the older ones
> leaving home at the same when new kids were being born.so cooking was a
> major task which we all got involved in,I learnt to cook at about 12 years
> old and used to cook the whole Sunday lunch,we called it dinner with
> afters(sweet) ...john.m
Don't forget to let your bread go stale - it will be too mushy if you use
fresh bread.
Your family sounds like mine. I was an only child but my paternal
grandparents had 17 (yes, 17!) children but *only* 9 survived childhood. My
maternal grandparents had 7. There was a bakery shop near my one
grandmother and we kids would love to run errands - the baker would always
"make weight" with a hunk of bread pudding for us.