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Mike Beede
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In article <ZK7Xc.443$RQ4.175@trnddc09>, Rick & Cyndi > wrote:

> Yep. That place ROCKS!

Just went there yesterday, thanks to this thread. What a *great* place.
I asked for one of the more obscure things I haven't been able to find in
my area for a while--tongue loaf. They _only_ had two kinds. They deli
guy said he could get another one if necessary.

The weird juxtapositions were the most attractive part. For instance, to
choose a random one--there was this big case full of, if I recall correctly,
"international meats." There was a number of different duck products,
quail, goose, etc--and a huge-ass block of frozen chitlens. I'm not sure
I couldn't find anything they had in the Minneapolis area, but I'm absolutely
sure I'd be an old man before I found most of it. I've always loved ginger
preserves. They had seven different brands--that I noticed. I stopped
counting after twelve kinds of pickled herring. Geeze--I can't find that
many in Minnesota. And I've *heard* of duck bacon before, but I've
never seen it.

I wish I hadn't had to fly back home, or I'd have gotten the hog's head
for eight bucks, just because I've never had one before. The next time I
go to Dayton I'm planning things so I can go there just before I fly

If you're within an hour or two's drive, you owe it to yourself to drop by.
Their web page fails to do them credit. I expected something like a
slightly warped Costco. Instead it's . . . . unlike anyplace else I've ever
shopped at. One of the most inexplicable features is that they still have
sales on Charmin and other prosaic grocery-store items. I really
doubt that's why most people go there, but I'm not complaining. We
were there two hours and only saw the deli and the international foods

Mike Beede