Getting Ready for Some Weather
Jack Schidt=AE wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Supposed to have blizzard conditions tomorrow afternoon into Monday
>>morning. I bought 6# of ground chuck at Sam's on Friday and divvied it=
>>into 1 pound packages and made a batch of chili for supper. There's a
>>quart left for another meal.
>>Last week I cut up a boneless chuck roast and pressure cooked it for
>>stew and. The 'and' went into the soup kettle tonight. I cooked a few=
>>handsful of barley, rehydrated a package of dried Slovak mushrooms, and=
>>put together some soup. A couple carrots, some celery, some onion, som=
>>fresh parsley (I think my outside parsley bites the dust tonight), the
>>cooked beef and broth, some tomato juice -- smells pretty good in my
>>kitchen right now.
>>Last night I roasted a couple turkey wings for gravy stock, too.
>>Winter? Bring it.
> Great minds.
> Jack Broth
Ditto. I've got meat in the freezer for stew, chili, etc. Plenty of=20
frozen stock (home made of course). A really nice butt ham which will=20
probably end up as dinner a couple of nights followed by being=20
included in a large pot of bean soup. A loin of pork, and a nice new=20
hind qtr from our local butcher. Plus hopefully I'll have venison to=20
vacuum seal and freeze in a couple of weeks.
Bring it on. But from the looks of the weather it's going to be a=20
while before it hits in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. Actually,=20
I heard somewhere that they are saying that February and March are=20
gonna be the "bears" this year. I doubt if we'll get much though=20
'cause I have my snowblower fixed and running well plus I just bought=20
a four wheel drive vehicle (for hunting) so I doubt that it'll snow.
If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.