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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Cooking for the freezer.

On Sat, 5 Dec 2015 11:41:33 -0000, "Ophelia" >

>During the time I have been unwell, I have been very grateful for the things
>I have already cooked in the freezer. When I am well I intend to really
>extend that.
>Do you cook for the freezer and if so, what do you make?

Everyone puts me to shame. I only make spaghetti sauce and marinara
sauce and freeze in 2-cup portions. I've been thinking of doing
lentil soup for freezing. It is excellent as a frozen backup.
Actually I've been thinking of doing a couple of soups just for
freezing. I put away leftover chicken tortilla soup and lentil soup
and was surprised at how handy and wonderful they were. (I have had a
mind-set against freezing stuff for later. Maybe it isn't such a bad
idea. I've tried lasagna in the past, but it takes forever to thaw
and I haven't found the magic formula for oven-heating from frozen.
Any tips?
Janet US