(was "who me?) Kerry and Vietnam
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Michel Boucher
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(Michael Poché) wrote in
> Michel Boucher > wrote:
>> "Don Hatten" > wrote in
>> news:n7wXc.574$lV5.115
>> > John Kerry is Al Gore without the
>> > charisma.
>> Cheap shot and not even true. I find Kerry to be very personable
>> and likeable on camera, qute natural, not like that stiff doofus
>> ex-gov'nor from Teyuksus. Of course, I have no vested interest
>> in returning the non-elected incumbent to office, so I'm free to
>> say whatever I frikkin' well please :-)
> Only a jackass like yourself would praise someone who has a voting
> record to the left of Ted Kennedy. I wish Ted would give you a
> ride home sometime *if* you know what I mean..........
Wolfie wolfie're such a putz...getting around my
killfile. You know, that's not nice at all.
German to Picasso in front of Guernica: Did you do this?
Picasso to German in front of Guernica: No, it was you.
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