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  #63 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In, Steve Calvin > wrote:
> >>I still
> >>don't understand the fascination with chicken though. No taste to me
> >>at all, even free range.

> >
> >
> > It's really pretty sad that your sense of taste is so dull. Chicken has
> > a delicious flavor.
> >

> Gimme a turkey any day. My tastes are anything but dull.

I said nothing about your tastes. For all I know, you wear lime green
leisure suits with purple silk shirts. "anything but dull", eh?

But you said that chicken has "no taste at all". Indeed, it has a taste.
Hence my comment about the acuity of your palate.

Now the
> taste of the chicken is another matter entirely. You like it? Enjoy, I
> just don't understand.

OK. Change your story. First it has "no taste at all", and now it has a
taste, but one which you don't like. Whatever.

> Give me turkey anyday, now that has flavor.

So does chicken. If you're talking about intensity of flavor (again?),
then Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese has more flavor than either of 'em. What of

> Some people like Corvettes, some people like VW's.

Some people like both. And some people are blind, so they are unable to
enjoy either one.

> I see that you haven't changed a bit. Still a bit combative aren'tcha.
> It's a very good idea to know someone prior to forming blanket opinions.

Careful now, or you're gonna hoist yourself on that petard...

....I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...

- The Who