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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Cooking for the freezer.

S Viemeister wrote:
> On 12/7/2015 2:24 PM, Janet wrote:
> > Or stand the pot of hot soup in a sink of cold water.
> >

> Yes. That's what I do. You can put the containers in as you fill them,
> then transfer them to the fridge first (my preference) or directly to
> the freezer.

When it's cold out, I'll set the pot (with lid on) out on my back
balcony to cool off. It's perfect when the temp is really cold in the
winter. In warm weather, I'll turn off heat and let it sit on stove
for a couple of hours with lid on. It's still hot then but no so much.
Sitting pot in sink of cold water works well to.

In warm weather, I do like you...after the pot cools a bit, I'll
transfer to pint containers and put them into the fridge for a few
hours first, then transfer them to the freezer.

If I'm making broth, I'll refrigerate over night, skim the hardened
fat off in the morning, then transfer to pint containers and right to
the freezer.