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Default Cooking for the freezer.

On Tue, 08 Dec 2015 08:07:25 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>When it's cold out, I'll set the pot (with lid on) out on my back
>balcony to cool off. It's perfect when the temp is really cold in the
>winter. In warm weather, I'll turn off heat and let it sit on stove
>for a couple of hours with lid on. It's still hot then but no so much.
>Sitting pot in sink of cold water works well to.
>In warm weather, I do like you...after the pot cools a bit, I'll
>transfer to pint containers and put them into the fridge for a few
>hours first, then transfer them to the freezer.
>If I'm making broth, I'll refrigerate over night, skim the hardened
>fat off in the morning, then transfer to pint containers and right to
>the freezer.

I'm not sure about putting anything on the balcony now! A bestest
friend who died had given me a weeping pussy willow as a pot plant. I
decided I wanted to keep it if possible forever. I bought a huge pot,
lined it with fibre glass insulation, lined that with heavy duty
plastic, filled with soil and planted the tree. It made it through
last winter which was a particularly hard one.

A couple of days ago I wondered why the cat was sitting on the
windowsill by the balcony much of the time. Someone is digging down
into the soil, has clearly burrowed through the plastic and is
expelling fibre glass from the hole. I have yet to see it and
unfortunately the cat doesn't speak. I don't think it's a squirrel,
they contain themselves to just burying peanuts etc, I wonder if it's
a mouse looking for a warm spot for winter. I wouldn't care, except
I don't want to lose the tree.