Bill T wrote:
> "RahRah" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Please tell me about your experiences with their gas grills. I am
>>considering purchasing a Summit Gold D model.
> You can't go wrong with a weber. I just replaced my weber genesis 1000 that
> was 16 years old with a new summit, and I just love it. Plus customer
> service is great.
> Bill
I've had my Genisis Silver for 6 years. Sits outside all year and we
get some nasty winters. I use it year round and it's still working
*almost* like new. I've used it so much that I need to replace the
flavorizer bars and porclean grates for next year. I wouldn't have to
but it's personal preference.
For them $, I don't think that they can be beat. Fantastic customer
service as well.
Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.