Thread: Weber Grills
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Nancy Young
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Steve Calvin wrote:
> Bill T wrote:

> > You can't go wrong with a weber. I just replaced my weber genesis 1000 that
> > was 16 years old with a new summit, and I just love it. Plus customer
> > service is great.
> > Bill
> >
> >

> I've had my Genisis Silver for 6 years. Sits outside all year and we
> get some nasty winters. I use it year round and it's still working
> *almost* like new. I've used it so much that I need to replace the
> flavorizer bars and porclean grates for next year. I wouldn't have to
> but it's personal preference.
> For them $, I don't think that they can be beat. Fantastic customer
> service as well.

I faced resistance when I decided to get one. Resistance meaning
gritted teeth trying really hard to say NO WAY. Hey, the man ain't
stupid. I wanted it, I got it. Now, you will have to take my word
for it, have suitable transportation to bring it home. Long story.

Anyway, I have put together *many* a grill. I'm meticulous about
that, but after say, 3 years the wheels are all wobbly, the grates
are crap, blah blah blah. Bill, this thing has to be ... geez,
easily 7 years old. Perfect like day one. Perfect. I especially
liked the part where the gas assembly was done at the factory. That
is the one part I did not care to do.

It cost more initially, but I'd be on my third grill by now if I'd
cheaped out. It's worth it.
