Getting Ready for Some Weather
"Steve Calvin" > wrote in message
Ditto. I've got meat in the freezer for stew, chili, etc. Plenty of
frozen stock (home made of course). A really nice butt ham which will
probably end up as dinner a couple of nights followed by being
included in a large pot of bean soup. A loin of pork, and a nice new
hind qtr from our local butcher. Plus hopefully I'll have venison to
vacuum seal and freeze in a couple of weeks.
Bring it on. But from the looks of the weather it's going to be a
while before it hits in the Mid-Hudson Valley of New York. Actually,
I heard somewhere that they are saying that February and March are
gonna be the "bears" this year. I doubt if we'll get much though
'cause I have my snowblower fixed and running well plus I just bought
a four wheel drive vehicle (for hunting) so I doubt that it'll snow.
I've heard less snow but colder temperatures.
As for the Murphy's Law incantation at the end of your post, I guess I'll
thank you if we don't get lotsa snow.
Jack Murf