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Ranee Mueller
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In article >, Shirley Hicks
> wrote:

> And one that may well serve to show why a national standard for
> running elections is necessary.

States' rights. Not the same political system as other nations. The
US is not Canada is not France is not Zimbabwe. As much as other
nations may wish our political structure matched theirs more closely
that is not the way it is and trying to force it is just as arrogant as
Americans trying to push democracy on people who don't want it.

> Other countries have adopted electoral commissions - takes the
> politics out of running the election. Lets see how the Florida vote is
> run....

The same way it ran the last time, the same way it ran the year
before that. The only reason it became an issue was because of how
close it was. The only reason it stays the same is because bureaucracy
has been given free reign.


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