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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Standing Rib Roast: bone in or boneless?

On 2015-12-15, jmcquown > wrote:

> I still don't necessarily believe what that label says.

And well you should remain skeptical!

I jes read the USDA webpage and it looks like that govt agency has
already begun tweaking the rules. I can't prove what their website
proclaimed a year ago, but I remember it distinctly said that "no GMO
products are allowed". That's a damn site different than the USDA's
current Made With Organic Ingredients requirement, which allows dog
knows what.

Perhaps that is why so many foods now carry a "NON-GMO" label, also.


There can be no doubt the GMO farmers and non-GMO farmers are fighting
tooth and nail to validate their products, but you, the consumer, are
the one that must ultimately decide.

BTW, this gluten nonsense......

We, as a species, have been eating gluten since the dawn of
agriculture. Don't you think it a bit suspicious that everyone is
ready to throw down the gluten gauntlet and blame poor ol' wheat for
our woes. Naw. Couldn't possibly be the GMO foods, pest/herbicides,
growth hormones, antibiotics, "transgender chickens", fake meat, or
the jillions (no exaggeration) of chemicals that make up our daily
intake of food?

As if...... 8|
