Standing Rib Roast: bone in or boneless?
On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 10:43:21 AM UTC-5, notbob wrote:
> On 2015-12-15, jmcquown > wrote:
> > I still don't necessarily believe what that label says.
> And well you should remain skeptical!
> I jes read the USDA webpage and it looks like that govt agency has
> already begun tweaking the rules. I can't prove what their website
> proclaimed a year ago, but I remember it distinctly said that "no GMO
> products are allowed". That's a damn site different than the USDA's
> current Made With Organic Ingredients requirement, which allows dog
> knows what.
> Perhaps that is why so many foods now carry a "NON-GMO" label, also.
> <>
> There can be no doubt the GMO farmers and non-GMO farmers are fighting
> tooth and nail to validate their products, but you, the consumer, are
> the one that must ultimately decide.
> BTW, this gluten nonsense......
> We, as a species, have been eating gluten since the dawn of
> agriculture. Don't you think it a bit suspicious that everyone is
> ready to throw down the gluten gauntlet and blame poor ol' wheat for
> our woes. Naw. Couldn't possibly be the GMO foods, pest/herbicides,
> growth hormones, antibiotics, "transgender chickens", fake meat, or
> the jillions (no exaggeration) of chemicals that make up our daily
> intake of food?
> As if...... 8|
> nb
I blame antibiotics and sanitation. We don't get sick
and die of the simple stuff anymore. We've got the time to get
cancer and the luxury of noticing that certain foods make
us feel bad.
I'm not even sure peanut allergies are really increasing. It
used to be that kids just died sometimes, and nobody thought
about what they'd eaten that day.
Cindy Hamilton