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Abiquiu[_2_] Abiquiu[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 516
Default 208 Mints! Gently placed in a storage box 2,3,4 at a time!

John Kuthe wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 10:57:39 PM UTC-6, Abiquiu wrote:
>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 10:25:08 PM UTC-6, Abiquiu wrote:
>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 7:09:02 PM UTC-6, Abiquiu wrote:
>>>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 at 6:45:01 PM UTC-6, Abiquiu wrote:
>>>>>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I love having a new "digital camera"! Really a Android HTC Desire 610 "cell phone" I found on the ground at the Market In The Loop going across the street to St Louis BreadCo! It was like blank and brand new! I kid you not, no info on it! So I have a new "digital camera"! ;-) I bought a $5 microUSB to stdUSB to charge and DL pics to my computer's hard drive. I keep NOTHING on the thing!
>>>>>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>>>>>> We had the alphabet boys plant that for you, it's got a back door that
>>>>>>>> make Snowden feel drafty, lol...
>>>>>>> Good thing I keep it turned OFF most of the time!!
>>>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>>>> Well, you think you do, and maybe you pull the battery too, but did you
>>>>>> get the button one below the breadboard?
>>>>> I'm an Electrical Engineer too, reemember?
>>>> I had a Tandy electrical set too.
>>>>> I think I can tell when an electronic device is off!
>>>> But you can't define which sectors contain capacitors that store and
>>>> release current.
>>>>> And no I didn't do all the things you can think of.
>>>> Ut oh...
>>>>> It can't function at all with no electicity, and I KNOW it's powered off! 100% completely!
>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>> Except that button battery, the capacitors and flash
>>> Yep! Tells the hardware what to do when it first powers on! Which means it must've been OFF!! ;-) Quid pro quo!
>>> John Kuthe...

>> Ah no, the button battery is live as we speak.
>> And after power down.
>> Lol.

> I know that! Something's gotta power the equivalent of the PC's BIOS to tell the hardware what to do. None of the processing or other stuff on the chip though is powered.
> John Kuthe...

Mike is live, enjoy.