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Abiquiu[_2_] Abiquiu[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 516
Default 208 Mints! Gently placed in a storage box 2,3,4 at a time!

dsi1 wrote:
> On 12/16/2015 9:14 AM, Abiquiu wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, December 16, 2015 at 5:00:24 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> On 12/16/2015 9:27 AM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
>>>>>> On 12/15/2015 6:42 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>>>> I love having a new "digital camera"! Really a Android HTC Desire
>>>>>>> 610 "cell phone" I found on the ground at the Market In The Loop
>>>>>>> going across the street to St Louis BreadCo! It was like blank and
>>>>>>> brand new! I kid you not, no info on it! So I have a new "digital
>>>>>>> camera"! ;-)
>>>>> Pssst, John... it was probably made in China.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> I just noticed that my newer laptop is made in China. Remember back in
>>>> the 1960's it was Japanese products that had the reputation of cheap
>>>> crap...and it was true then. That said, while we Americans were
>>>> denouncing and laughing about cheap Japanese products, they continued
>>>> to work hard and improve. They eventually took over the electronics
>>>> and even the auto trades and became known for the best products.
>>> They already has the ability to manufacture the best consumer
>>> electronics products as well as cheap ass consumer goods. I have no
>>> idea what you guys are talking about China surpassing us in the
>>> future. They already have.

>> Did you know there is an entire city built beneath Bejing in the event
>> of a disaster?
>> The Underground City (Chinese: 地下城; pinyin: DìxiÃ* Chéng) is a Cold
>> War era bomb shelter consisting of a network of tunnels located beneath
>> Beijing, China. It has also been referred to as the Underground Great
>> Wall since it was built for the purpose of military defense. The complex
>> was constructed from 1969 to 1979 in anticipation of a nuclear war with
>> the Soviet Union, as Sino-Soviet relations worsened[1][2] and was
>> officially reopened in 2000.[3] Visitors were allowed to tour portions
>> of the complex,[3] which has been described as "dark, damp, and
>> genuinely eerie".[4] Dixia Cheng has been closed for renovation since at
>> least February 2008.[1][1]
>> The space beneath Beijing is increasingly seen as a means of easing the
>> strain on a city overloaded with people and traffic.
>> The state-run China Daily reported in 2010 that city planners have
>> earmarked three underground levels to be built beneath Dongcheng
>> district, housing shopping malls and roads.
>> Should this happen, I wonder if future subterranean Beijingers, browsing
>> rails of designer clothing, will feel any echo of the chilling
>> "underground city" that once existed in its place.

> Hoo boy, I've never heard of this before, although it shouldn't be too
> surprising - if you're afraid of having nukes raining down on your head,
> you head for cover. Thanks!

Preppers are kewl.

> Americans have their own extensive underground facilities in Washington.
> Mostly, it's for those fat cats in D.C., those dicks!

And Mt. Weather, and under the Grenbriar Resort Hotel, etc...

Thing is, they'll be a wrassling nuclear cockroaches an scorpions for
victuals when it's done, so I hoe they dig MREs...


>> Can we send k00ky over for look?

> Sounds like he might as well be living in China, given his housing
> situation. The great thing about China is that you can have a cigarette
> with your Japan noodles and nobody's gonna look at you funny.

> 502. Thats an error.
> The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.

Smoke em if you got em...