Puester wrote:
> Richard Periut wrote:
>> AFAIC,Beaujolais should not even be bottled. By the time the stuff is
>> bottled and hits the tables in the US, it has lost those nuances that
>> only the freshest Beaujolais can bring.
>> It's like comparing a nice NY sharp cheddar, to Cheez Whizz.
>> Richard
> ------
> We do the best we can with what we have. If we ALL rushed
> to France for our Nouveau every year, there would be a terrible
> air traffic jam....
> gloria p
And what's wrong with Cheez Whiz? ROFL
I'm going to make a bacon dip this afternoon and I must admit I'm using
Hidden Valley Ranch dip mix. Oh, for shame! I am, at least, going to add
real cooked crumbled bacon and real cheddar to the sour cream and ranch
seasoning, not Bac-O's