Thread: Ping: Jill
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

On 2015-12-21 7:20 PM, wrote:

>> At least wait until 8:30 or 9:00. That's when all the fresh produce,
>> meats and bakery items have been put out. You've got your choice
>> then, no crowds bumping you and it is all fresh stuff.
>> Janet US

> It works the other way here - they have people working overnight to
> restock everything and when I shop around 7am I have the benefit of a
> quiet store and good selection. I can't bear going for groceries when
> aisles are crowded. It's no sacrifice for me, I have unwillingly
> become a morning person

I used to do the cross border shopping thing once in a while when I was
working late shifts. I would to a Topps store just over the border in
the middle of the night. It was sometimes a little challenging to
navigate around the skids loaded with boxes parked in the aisles for all
re-stocking that was going on. It could be worse. There always seems
to be the dullards who think that the narrow spaces to get past the
skids and boxes are the proper place to stop and look around or to park
their cart while they go to get something else.