Thread: Ping: Jill
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

On 2015-12-22 9:30 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> Lays is trying mightily to hang on here, every week they run big
> sales, this week it's buy two get three free... I don't like Lays
> potato chips, they leave an unpleasant after taste. None of the other
> chip companys run sales, they don't need to.

It has been a long time since I have bought potato chips, but I always
thought they were pretty expensive for what you get. They buy potatoes
in such quantities that they don't pay much for them and there is
probably only one potato in a bag. Sure, there is the cost of the
equipment, the oil, packaging, shipping etc, but there is a hell of a
big park-up on those things. Those little ones they make for Halloween
...... there's like 6 chips in one of them.