Thread: Ping: Jill
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> When I was a kid, I'd whine, "When I'm a grownup,
> I'll stay up as late as I want to".

LOL. I used to read comic books underneath the covers after it
was lights out for me. With a flashlight.
> If I'm not mistaken, I'm ready for sleep earlier
> now than when I was 10 years old.

As I get up so early, I do often fall asleep early evening or take an
afternoon nap if I'm home all day. You can't burn the candle on both
ends. But I like my odd schedule. Up here and there all night and
always get up by 4:30am. I do well on only about 5 to 5.5 hours sleep
per day though.

Again though...the little furry one does interrupt my sleep. She will
wake me up to carry her to the bathroom area, then I'll feed her and
she goes right back to sleep. Me? I'm wide awake again for another
hour or so. I finally fall asleep and she wakes me up with needs
again. sigh. It's definitely a "labor of love."