Grocery Store Dinner for Christmas
On 12/23/2015 12:16 PM, dalep wrote:
> This is a first for me. I have always cooked from scratch as much as possible.
> I am doing chemo, and had an infusion Monday. I will be down and out
with fatigue
> over Christmas. I ordered the "complete" meal from out local Sprouts
store. They
> use a "natural" turkey, so picked them over the big chain stores. At
least we will
> have food in the house and lots of left overs (just the two of us
this year). I am
> curious how this meal will be, but it will fill the bill.
I'm sorry about the chemo and I'm sending all good thoughts your way.
As far as the dinner goes, I'm reminded of Jill's mother's experience,
the whole meal, it turned out, arrived frozen and in need of cooking,
something like that, so make sure you know what to expect with no
unwelcome Christmas surprise.