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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default New regrigerator restrictions

Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>Our new refrigerator was delivered today. Following the instruction
>manual, it is very restricted in use. The manual says not to stand on
>it! That changes party plans huh?

A step ladder is handier anyway, and fridge shelves probably won't
hold your weight. This is a good place to buy ladders, I have a thing
for heavy duty wooden ladders, I have several:

>The opening for the refrigerator is 35" so that greatly restricts what
>is available. We wanted a French door with ice and water dispensers so
>that narrowed the search to Samsung and LG. None of the US
>manufacturers had them less than 36" We chose the Samsung on the advice
>of the dealer. He gave it a slight edge for service.

Might have paid to have a carpenter modify your cabinets to give you a
larger space. My kitchen is about 65 years old but the fridge space
is 38", my GE fridge is 36". The extra 2" of space makes it easy to
roll the fridge out for vacuuming. Instead of a larger fridge I
bought a used second fridge for the basement, very handy, been using
it twelve years now and it only cost $100.

>It will take a couple of weeks before I can say how much we really like
>it. I started loading it up but it may take a bit to find out where to
>put things for most convenience. The only disappointment is lack of a
>place for the butter dish. Our first fridge in 1966 had a temperature
>controlled spot for it. In spite of all the controls, no butter spot.

I've always used a glass butter dish and put it anywhere in the
fridge, usually on a top shelf for easy accessibility... this fridge
came with a plastic butter dish that fit in a compartment in the door
but it wasn't convenient and plastic picks up odors, so it went in the
trash. I prefer that the butter stays cold so it stays fresher longer
as I don't use much for spreading on untoasted bread, more like
never... toasted bread melts cold butter, but here most butter is used
for baked potatoes and hot veggies, or for frying. For some
sandwiches (sardine, lox, sliced hard egg) I don't want soft butter.

>The interior is very bright with LED lighting. The doors are
>non-magnetic SS so nobody can hang all sorts of crap on them. More
>efficient than our old one, it will pay for itself with savings in
>electricity in about 20 years

I like LED lighting but I doubt it will save much energy with a fridge
unless the light stays on with the door closed. lol I think instead
of non magnetic SS doors I'd prefer glass doors on my next fridge so
people can check what's inside without opening the door... drives me
nuts when someone opens the fridge door and stares at everything for a
full minute and then takes nothing, and they do this every 20 minutes
like it's an addiction.

Good luck with your new fridge.