On Thursday, December 24, 2015 at 12:49:39 PM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> >Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >>
> >> I prefer to keep butter in the fridge for two reasons:
> >>
> >> 1. It limits my use of it. Since I'd just do stupid stuff like make toast
> >> and butter it, cold butter keeps me out of trouble.
> >
> >lol That really does work too. I've been tempted to make toast for a
> >snack and declined once I realize the butter is in the fridge. 
> How difficult is it to slice a few thin pats and lay them out on the
> hot toast, by the time you lay pats on the second piece of toast the
> butter is practically melted to a liquid on the first piece of toast.
Sufficiently difficult to keep me from having buttered toast when
I know I shouldn't. Less carb, more veggies has enabled me to
lose 60 pounds.
Cindy Hamilton