Thread: Ping: Jill
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

Janet B wrote:
> I hope you called your homeowner's insurance. You can (at least I
> could) claim the contents of your freezer/refrigerator.

Homeowner's insurance has a rather low cap on how much they'll pay for
spoiled food, like $50, plus just about every policy has a deductible
that needs to be met before they'll pay a dime. Before insurance will
pay for spoiled food you'd need a commercial policy like what food
stores have, and those are very expensive. When Hurricane Gloria hit
Long Island on September 27, 1985 we were without power for 11 days,
no one's homeowner's insurance paid for spoiled food. We all made
giant bbqs, even fed everyone's pets. I remember the date and the
surrounding circumstances well because it was my daughter's 16th
birthday, her party was cancelled.