Thread: Ping: Jill
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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

"dsi1" > wrote in message

>> > Last Friday the 13th, the office got flooded. The free standing walls,
>> > flooring, and furniture was dumped. All the shared drywall was removed
>> > up
>> > to 18 inches or so was dumped. I guess I never mentioned that. I'm not
>> > too
>> > worried about it - I can't say why.

>> That is awful. We have a lot of flooding in GB atm. Some places have
>> been
>> flooded 3 times in the past month. It is heartbreaking. They just get
>> cleaned up from one lot and they have to start again

> I get frequent flash flood warnings on my phone. Most times it's not
> raining that hard but mostly it's water coming down from the mountain
> streams that we don't really see much.
> When the winds are blowing right, the water doesn't fall, it rises. It's
> an upside down waterfall!

That is pretty amazing!!!

>> What happened to your office?

> The dentist's office sprung a leak in it's water filtration system. The
> waterline on my computer indicates that it was three inches deep in my
> office. The building manager had 2 days warning from me about this
> disaster but did nothing. I believe the manager is a son-in-law of the
> owners. He seems to be a rookie. That's the breaks.

That building manager ought to pay for the damage! At least it was clean

The floods here come with mud and it destroys everything One couple were
watching tv and their carpet started to bubble. It was coming up through
the floor. They got out fast. That water was contaminated with diesel(
