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Jack B
Posts: n/a

In article >,
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:

> In article >, Blair P. Houghton
> > wrote:
> > Finally, real BBQ in the land of the concentrated sun.
> >
> > I just found out that Famous Dave's (about a 7.5 on the
> > Real Texas BBQ quality scale, where Sonny Bryan's is a 9.5,
> > El Paso BBQ is a 4, and Dickie's is a 2) is opening a restaurant
> > on the south side of the Chandler Fashion Square mall.
> >
> > Okay, it's a few miles away from the Phoenix border, but
> > it's only a few miles away from me, so now all I need is
> > to start riding my bike 40 miles a day to make up for all
> > the pork I'll be inhaling over the next several years.
> >
> > --Blair
> > "Pass the napkins, willya?"

> Why are you so excited about it? Where else have you eaten it? Dave
> Anderson (head of the BIA) started the chain here and they're all over
> the place here. Not bad, I guess, but we prefer the dry-smoked ribs at
> the Market BBQ in downtown Minneapolis. Dave's quite the entrepreneur,
> though -- gotta give him that.

Ya. I'm around "here" too, and Market BBQ surely tops Dave's for ribs
(for me). Dave's is ok, but maybe not quite right for serious eaters.
Good experience, nice bar, some of them have entertainment, but...
not-quite-there, foodwise.

Pickled Parrot, though... love the spice, my favorite. Wish they hadn't
moved far away from me.

Been wanting to try Ted Cook's. Sure doesn't look like much, but I've
heard good reports. (Storefront with a counter and maybe a bench...
shabby street).

I always get a kick out of a meal at Lee & Dee's... kids bringing out
the food sometimes... family atmosphere, good catfish, cornbread. Ribs
"good." Two booths (you could probably stuff six people in each),
takeout is popular.
