Thread: Ugly cookies
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Ugly cookies

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> On 12/25/2015 4:35 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote

>>> None of those things. I had made the dough last week and it was
>>> frozen. Maybe factor 1, though I've done that any number of times
>>> before. It was raining and warm yesterday, factor 2?
>>> Weirdly, the ones I made without nuts came out fine.

>> That is strange. I don't think I've ever frozen cookie dough before.

> I generally will make at least 2 batches of cookie dough if I'm going
> to have all the ingredients out anyway. I freeze them in plastic wrap
> in log shape. This way it's just bake them up when you feel like having
> a cookie or 3.
>> I just hope my monkey bread comes out. I made the caramel one and did
>> not realize until I was putting it together that I didn't have enough
>> brown sugar. I actually thought I had a lot as I bought it recently but
>> my husband was ripping through my oatmeal and fruit bars like crazy and
>> I guess I used it up on those. I used a raw Turbinado sugar to make up
>> the difference. Looks like it melted fine.

> Good luck with that. Maybe it will come out better, you never know.
> nancy

I just don't eat cookies. And I have decided that I will just flat out stop
baking unless they specifically ask for something. I made 6 blueberry
muffins and tossed out 4 of them. I shall soon toss out the monkey bread.
Daughter tried one tiny bite and said that it was good but she isn't eating
sweets. Husband never touched it.