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la llorona la llorona is offline
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Posts: 39
Default US Country Of Origin Labeling has been repealed..

sf wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 11:53:47 -0700, la llorona > wrote:
>> sf wrote:

>>> Unfortunately,
>>> it's difficult and costly to keep a close eye on so many - so they
>>> might have to change a basic part of their business plan (buy local)
>>> and go with central suppliers.

>> Um, they do buy locally:

> Read that again. I said their business plan is to buy local but it
> might end up being changed to central suppliers.
>> Q: Do you work with further processing facilities? For example, grated
>> cabbage and carrots that may have been seconds?
>> Chipotle’s primary local produce items are all _washed and prepped in
>> our restaurants._
>> {Ding! Ding! Ding!!!}

> Why hasn't an employee tested positive?

Think about it.

If their own basic sanitation practices haven't nailed them yet, they're
not going to.

They eat there too, likely true, yes?

So they're immune.

> I don't think it's an
> employee problem.

So posit a plausible alternative.

> There is something going on, but I think it's
> sabotage (by whom?) rather than carelessness.

I'm all in for a good whodunit, so tell me...who done it?

And how?

I mean this really could be a major case of corporate espionage.