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Ping: Jill
jmcquown wrote:
> On 12/26/2015 1:47 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Fri, 25 Dec 2015 18:44:25 -0500, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>> Cheri wrote:
>>>> When I got my last fridge I bought insurance for it for five years,
>>>> which
>>>> covers up to 500.00 worth of spoilage. It didn't cost much as I
>>>> recall and
>>>> the last time was a good lesson.
>>>> Cheri
>>> Yes, one can buy extra insurance riders for a homeowner's policy.
>>> I've never had $500 worth of perishable food in my freezer, maybe $200
>>> tops... much of what people freeze won't spoil from thawing, like ice
>>> cubes aren't covered, not baked goods, not vegetables, not cured meats
>>> (bacon, ham, etc), plus the home owner is responsible to mitigate
>>> damage, ie. obtain dry ice. The most expensive items in my freezer is
>>> my large collection of bulk spices, but they wouldn't be covered as
>>> they don't spoil from thawing. Right now there's probably about $125
>>> worth of real perishables in my freezer, if that much... in my fridge
>>> the only thing that would spoil is part of a half gallon of milk,
>>> maybe one quart, and maybe a half a quart of mayo.... condiments and
>>> canned goods won't spoil, neither fresh produce, eggs, butter, breads,
>>> jars of jams, not even a half bottle of Italian salad dressing... oh,
>>> I have a piece of cured ham in the fridge I've been picking at, maybe
>>> worth $4... I'm tiring of eating it, I'll either freze it to make bean
>>> soup or hack it up and toss it in the yard for the wild critters... I
>>> already have enough home made soups.
>>> I don't care what people claim they were paid for spoiled food,
>>> insurance companies are not naive, they don't cover much under basic
>>> policies, nor do they reward people for being food horders... if one
>>> is foolish enough to buy extra insurance because they are so foolish
>>> as to horde food as though they were a supermarket they still won't
>>> receive full coverage, plus if making a claim their premiums will go
>>> up. There are many things people think are covered under a homeowners
>>> policy but are not... for example if a huge tree falls and one of its
>>> branches hits your house the damage to your house is covered, like
>>> $300 for a bundle of roofing shingles, a 10' length of gutter, and
>>> labor, but it won't pay the $1,200 to remove the tree or the $500 to
>>> grind the stump and repair landscaping.
>>> So again, insurance companies are neither naive or stupid, yoose ain't
>>> gettin' over on them... even if they will cover a portion of your food
>>> loss they are not going to take your word for what you claim to have
>>> lost... they will never believe you had a freezer filled with shrimp
>>> and lobster tails nor will they cover ones food hording obsession.
>>> Unless you're a food market they are not going to cover your claim for
>>> $500 worth of steaks and lamb chops... they'll cover $50 for ground
>>> mystery meat, two frozen pizzas, and a few TV Dinners... there is
>>> really no way to prove what one had in a home freezer, they don't care
>>> about register receipts, anyone can pick all they want from market
>>> trash.
>>> I have two refrigerator freezers, 90% of what they contain won't spoil
>>> if the power is out for a week, cans of beer and soda won't spoil,
>>> loaves of frozen bread won't spoil, cans of coffee, tuna, and all
>>> kinds of jars of condiments won't spoil. My basement unit contains no
>>> meats, only items that can spoil are about 30 quarts of frozen
>>> homemade soups, but how can I place a believeable value, I can't, it's
>>> only valuable to me for my time and effort, so what I'd do if I knew
>>> it's a major outage that may not return power for a week or more I'd
>>> put them all in pots on my gas stove and do the old timey soup pot
>>> thingy where they can be kept on a low simmer for months, I'd have
>>> extra work but I'd save the soups I labored over, it's called
>>> mitigating my damages.
>>> I've owned many properties and have dealt with homeowners insurance
>>> issues of all types, with many rental units too, no way do I believe
>>> anyone was given $500 for loss of food due to a power outage, no way,
>>> no how, not unless they PAID EXTRA for a rider to cover food spoilage,
>>> and then the premiums would be more than the value of the lost food.
>>> Once again, insurance companies are neither naive or stupid.
>>> I can believe a $140 per year rider to cover an $8,000 diamond
>>> engagement ring, but not some moron who'd pay extra premiums to cover
>>> spoiled ground mystery meat... to date I've seen no food here worth an
>>> insurance rider, 95% of the posters here dine like they eat at
>>> Salvation Army soup kitchens, at least from what they've
>>> demonstrated... they talk high end but talk is cheap... show me. I
>>> don't eat expensively, never claimed to, but I know my feral cats eat
>>> better than all the big talkers here who have shown zero. I probably
>>> spend more on bird seed than all yoose I-cook-everything-from-scratch
>>> fakers... yoose eat so high end but can't even afford a friggin' $89
>>> digicam. During the twenty odd years I've posted to this group there
>>> have been fewer than twenty posters who have shown their cooking, and
>>> it's been those who've claimed the loudest that they cook everything
>>> from scratch who have shown nothing.
>> Wow.
>> -sw
> Uh... yeah. What does this have to do with the subject?
Why are you feeding your former stalker?
Crave abuse from disturbed dwarfy men much?