Beans beans beans
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 17:41:39 -0500, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> I had a lot of baked beans when I was young but they were always canned
>> and I never developed a great appreciation for them. A couple times I
>> have had home made baked beans and they were much better. Last month my
>> son took me to a BBQ joint in Buffalo and they had beans that were
>> incredible.
>> Realizing how good they can be, I looked up some recipes and was all set
>> to give them a try. I was planning to use a recipe that called for a
>> pound of bacon. Today I had to go to a store to get some things for a
>> pot luck family thing tomorrow and planned to get some bacon and some
>> beans. I was surprised to find they did not have navy beans. They had
>> pinto beans, kidney beans, black eye peas, yellow peas, green peas,
>> several varieties of lentils, but now navy beans.
>> Dang. I was looking forward to some good beans.
> What??? How does that happen?
That is the case here too, sf. Winco does sell bulk beans but I am not sure
how many varieties. And Whole Foods has a good selection of bulk beans.
But I have learned not to buy bulk ones unless I know they have a really
good turnover. For years, I was given bulk beans and popcorn in my
Christmas stocking and finally I told the giver to just stop! I suspect
maybe the popcorn was the cause of my weevil infestation some years back.
The food was just old! The popcorn didn't pop well and the beans took hours
and hours to cook.
The buyer was particularly fond of a large health food store that sells bulk
things, but I flat out quit shopping there because much of their food is
very old.
When I buy bagged dried beans, I am finding a very paltry selection in most
stores and have even had a hard time finding split peas at times. I guess
there just isn't much of a demand for these things any more.