On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 05:19:05 -0000 (UTC), Bruce >
>On 30/12/2015 15:44 Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 12/29/2015 11:05 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>> On 30/12/2015 13:19 Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> On 12/29/2015 6:15 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>> On 30/12/2015 09:36 wrote:
>>>>>> I prefer to back in and drive out. YMMV but we have idiots here who
>>>>>> will walk right behind a vehicle backing up and assume they will be
>>>>>> seen.
>>>>> Don't they have right of way?
>>>> They can put that on your tombstone.
>>> Right under "Killed by idiot driver"?
>> "who still can't believe some moron wasn't watching for
>> backup lights in a parking lot" but is happily enjoying his
>> life with his family and friends.
>If the pedestrian had right of way, I don't think the
>driver would be happily enjoying his life.
Anybody, any pedestrian, who counts on themselves having the right of
way, is an idiot. We can make a right turn on a red light, having
come to a full stop first and checked the road is clear.
As a pedestrian, that is very dangerous. When the Walk light turns in
my favour, I always check behind me to my left, odds on the driver
making the right is not including pedestrians in the check, even
though they have the right of way.