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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Tough Chicken Recipe

On 2015-12-30 1:54 AM, sf wrote:

>> If the pedestrian had right of way, I don't think the
>> driver would be happily enjoying his life.

> There's right and there's dead right.

I don't know about other cities, but it seems that Toronto can be a very
dangerous place for pedestrians. I think my chances of being struck by
a car are minimal because I stop and look before crossing the road and
make sure the way is clear. I do not assume that cars are going to stop
or that drivers will see me. There have been a few days recently where
there were close to a dozen pedestrians struck between 6 and 8 am. They
were dark, rainy mornings, and one thing the pedestrians had in common
was that they were all dressed in dark clothes.

Pedestrians may indeed have the right of way on roads and in parking
lots, but since they are the more vulnerable ones, they should be
looking out for their own safety. They should be aware of the difficulty
that drivers have in seeing them. They are backing out almost blind.
If I am walking along and someone pulls out when I am right there I am
likely to yell at them to watch where they are going, because they
clearly did not look, but if I am walking along and a car starts to pull
out further along I stop. I sure as heck don't keep walking and putting
myself at risk.