Tough Chicken Recipe
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Tough Chicken Recipe
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> Cats, like dogs, react to tone of voice and posture as much as anything
> else. If you express disapproval, they'll learn.
I'm struggling to train an old black feral cat I'm feeding in the
garden. He was in poor shape with big bald patches and much too wild to
catch for a vet visit. Every time he saw a person he just ran. After
several months of Whiskas, milk and occasional eggs and chicken his fur
has grown back in and he looks much fitter, and no longer runs for the
hills as soon as I appear.
Now he's losing his fear of people and gaining confidence, he lies in
wait under a bush by the food dish, to launch a hissing, spitting,
biting and clawing attack on the hand that's trying to fill it :-( I'm
thinking of naming him Satan.
Janet UK
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