Thread: Barley
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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Barley

On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 11:32:32 -0800, Whirled Peas >

>On 12/30/2015 08:36 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> What I'm really wondering is why I can't find pearl barley. It's as if
>> the grain aisle has been taken over by health food hippies.
>> Sometimes you just want what you want.
>> Jill

>I always find pearl barley somewhere in the bulk food aisles. It still
>takes about 45 minutes to cook completely.

How long to cook depends on how it will be used and on personal taste.
I use it mostly for beef barley soup and I prefer it slightly creamy
so I cook it for minimally 1 1/2 hours... even for other uses it takes
about an hour to cook.... I've never used the instant types. I find
pearled barley in most every market, Walmart has 1 lb bags. I think
it's not a big seller in warmer climes, I remember I couldn't find it
in Southern Cal, I had my mother mail it to me... Barley must be the
northerner's answer to grits. ps%2C194