Thread: Barley
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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Barley

On 12/30/2015 7:06 PM, dalep wrote:
> On Wednesday, December 30, 2015 at 9:36:36 AM UTC-7, Jill McQuown wrote:
>> The barley for the pilaf I had planned for Christmas dinner was not the
>> barley I am used to.
>> I haven't been able to find *pearl* barley for years. When I was doing
>> my holiday shopping I was looking for it. I thought since they just
>> built this big huge new Publix they might actually stock more stuff, not
>> less.
>> They have a huge selection of grains and stuff. Quinoa, wheat bran,
>> whatever. Barley? Hmmm... instant (barley flakes... that might work
>> for thickening a soup but sorry, not for pilaf.)
>> I spotted a bag of Bob's Red Mill hulled barley (barley groats). It was
>> the only barley I could find other than instant. So okay, I'll give it
>> a try. I knew it would be different.
>> It tastes fine. Quite nice, actually. It takes thrice as long to cook
>> as pearl barley. It has a chewy texture. That's okay; I have teeth. <G>
>> The extra long cooking time puts me off. The label describes using it
>> as a "side dish". Yeah, sure... but you have to simmer that side dish
>> (1 cup barley, 3-1/2 cups liquid) for more than 1-1/2 hours. Heh.
>> What I'm really wondering is why I can't find pearl barley. It's as if
>> the grain aisle has been taken over by health food hippies.
>> Sometimes you just want what you want.
>> Jill

> You scared me! I love barley. My beef stews and beef soups are loaded with barley. I eat meat, but not as much anymore, so I make a beef stew that is lots of veg and barley and less beef. Anyway, I was just at the grocery, and the King Soopers has pearled barley Kroger brand. Small bag, not the larger bags that I prefer. I had not bought any for a while cause when I do buy it, I usually buy a bunch.
> Keep your eyes open and you will find some.
> DaleP

I'm not sure how I scared you, Dale. But hey, I was sorta scared
myself. I like to use it in beef soups/stews too.

This unhulled barley just takes some getting used to. It is not going
to take the place of the pearl type in my cooking, that's for sure.

I'll ask the next time I'm at the store. The brand I remember was Barzi
(or something like that).
