"Doris Night" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 10:38:03 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> > wrote:
>>"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>> On Wed, 30 Dec 2015 08:10:43 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Janet" > wrote in message
>>>> .. .
>>>>> In article >,
>>>>> says...
>>>>>> I don't know why they are so hard to find now but they sure are. I
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> plan in advance if I want to make baked beans now because I can go to
>>>>>> two
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> three different stores and come up empty. Then when I do find them,
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> never remember where it was that I found them.
>>>>> D'you know what, Julie, when I find a source of something hard-to-
>>>>> find, I just write it down to remind myself next time. Ditto
>>>>> birthdays,
>>>>> appointments, dates I might forget etc.
>>>> Birthdays stay the same. The stock that a store sells, changes
>>>> frequently.
>>>> Especially if those stores are Safeway and Albertsons. A list wouldn't
>>>> help
>>>> me there.
>>> That wasn't your original argument. Your argument was that you
>>> couldn't remember where you got them. Then when somebody tells you
>>> how to solve that problem, you come up with a different argument to
>>> explain why the proposed solution won't work.
>>Nobody told me how to solve a problem. And I have said repeatedly that
>>stores here keep changing what I sell. Remember the taco sauce that I
>>couldn't find? They had it at Safeway, then not. Then at Albertsons. I
>>don't know if either store has it now. I still have a couple of bottles
>>left so haven't had to look for it.
>>> Same 'ol song and dance.
>>> FWIW, I have never not been able to find navy beans. And great
>>> northern. They sell well enough that they are house brands at H-E-B.
>>Well, maybe people eat a lot of them there. I checked my cupboard. I
>>have some. They were mail order but not sure from where.
> You should have written down where you ordered them from.
Finding where I ordered something from isn't a problem at all. And I won't
necessarily order from the same place again. Online stores do change prices
and such. What I hate having to do is chase around to many different stores
looking for something.
Earlier, I opted for a delivery from Safeway. They had all but one item
that I had ordered and I only ordered that to bump up the order to get the
free shipping. It was gold potatoes which wasn't an immediate need although
I did use up all of the gold potatoes that I had. They did not sell a
couple of the items that I wanted. One might be available in the store but
not for delivery and the other they just do not sell. I also had to get
smaller bags of apple slices but they can just deal with that! I thought I
had bought enough to get me past the 1st but someone pigged out on them.
Had I gone shopping, I would *not* have gone to Safeway. Or if I did, it
would likely be only for bread. I would have had to go to two other stores
to get the other things on my list and while those two stores are close
together, it would mean about a two hour commute (combined to and from) and
I would probably still have had to stop elsewhere for the bread although
more and more stores are carrying this kind.
I just had a bad feeling about the shopping trip and it was a good thing
that I did. I had a handyman come this morning to fix one thing and give me
a quote for another. But everything went wrong. He overslept and wound up
coming two hours later than he said he would. Then two people prior had
given me wrong information and it turned out that the part I thought I
needed was not the correct part. So he had to go back to the store to
exchange it plus get an outdoor faucet. Plus do a lot of research as to why
I had massive amounts of water in several spots in my yard but long story
short there, we think it was just from all the rain we've had. At first he
was convinced it was a leak.
So... While the original plan was to have him leave somewhere around 9:00
a..m., he didn't actually leave until around 3:00 p.m. If I leave that late
in the day, I play to get back here in time to have dinner ready before my
husband gets home. Shopping then often means my having to pick up something
hot and ready or something I can toss in the microwave but even then that is
a problem because I have to go through the bags to find the dinner food.
This works okay if I can get pizza but I can't always do that. Anything
else I might get is sure to be something he won't particularly like.
At any rate, I got enough things to get me through the holiday and then we
can do a good grocery shop.