Thread: Ping: Jill
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

Dave Smith wrote:
> On 2015-12-30 22:29, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> >
> > I often contract or buy services of labor. I can get unskilled temp
> > workers for $13 but skilled workers range from $60 to $110 per hour plus
> > travel time.
> >
> > I know people that think they are worth $20 to $50 salary but don't want
> > to pay more than minimum wage if they hire anyone to work for them.

> We hired a local handyman to to do some work on our kitchen last year.
> He had to do some repairs to the ceiling and then prime and paint it,
> and he did some carpentry work and replaced some ceramic tiles. He
> worked from 9-4:30 and charged $125 per day. He did excellent work. I
> will gladly hire him again and have no problems recommending him to
> friends.

This is your "underground economy" at work. That fellow is not
running a business or paying taxes on that pay. He's probably retired
and just after some extra pocket cash. You either pay him in cash or
if by check, he cashes it and says nothing.

No real business can survive on $125 per day gross income.