Thread: Ping: Jill
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> >I generally see about $50 cash left on the counter for their person to
> >come and spend 2-3 hours.

> How do you know that $50 is for 2-3 hours work, are you assuming or do
> you actually know.

I actually know, Sheldon. The cash is left and I see how long
she works.

> I was believing your story until I read about the $50 cash out on the
> counter. What nincompoop would "generally" leave $50 cash out on a
> counter where anyone could pick it up, "generally".

Ok Mr.GiantLawnMowingBoy....

These customers are gone all day. I have a key and alarm code to come
in and work. On the house cleaner day, they leave the money on the
counter for her and usually a note. She also has a key and alarm
code. It's only the two of us workers there. Only I could steal her
money. If she didn't get that cash, I wonder who they would ask about
it> :-D

Go buy another 50# sack of steel cut oats and share it with your